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Raven's Prey

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Raven's Prey
Battling Against
Caught in the
The Birthday
Keep the Round
Side Down

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Ann Chandonnet
Neil Davis
Eric Forrer
Tim Jones
Slim Randles

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Alice Cook
Eloise Forrer
Susan Ogle

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About M & B

McRoy & Blackburn, Publishers

Books from the north: well-written fiction by Alaskan authors, published by an Alaskan press.

Eloise Forrer
Illustrator of Bucket

The daughter of Pennsylvania Dutch parents who lived a life of employment in the trades, small business ventures, and connected family farms, Forrer graduated from the Eastman School of Music as a concert harpist. But the Great Depression, the Second World War, and her own family intervened in her career as a musician. With her husband Paul Forrer, she taught grade school at remote sites in Arizona and Alaska, and for her entire teaching career she was able to keep her harp with her. She played harp and piano regularly for students and town folk. Forrer illustrated Bucket using techniques developed by her husband during their years in the bush. The method involves colored carbon paper, a household iron, and immense amounts of time.

McRoy & Blackburn, Publishers
Last modified 9 March 1999